113 days. It's been a long, long journey. Some days I felt like we might not make it to the end. Some days I was so tired and frustrated and angry and sad. Some days were full of happiness and joy. Through this whole journey, I have learned to lean more on God and trust in His perfect plan. I may not always feel like it's perfect, but He desires to love me and bless me and SOMEHOW this must fit in. I learned how much I depend and trust in YOU and how much of that trust needs to be transferred over to the Lord. I learned that I am a much better parent when I parent as part of a team. I get frustrated easily with the kids and there's no one around to tag out with. Some days it's not pretty and the kids tell me I hurt their feelings when I yell at them. Some days this makes me feel like a complete failure as a mom, but when I ask for their forgiveness and give hugs and kisses, I realize that this is a whole lot like how God feels about us. I disobey, God disciplines, I get my feelings hurt, then ask for and
receive complete forgiveness. I only hope that I can model Christ for them. Now that you're winging your way back to us, I have so many hopes and dreams and desires for our family. I want us to be so much better, so much closer, so much more in love. You all are my greatest earthly gifts and I always want to treat you as such. I love you so very much.

We are blessed, BLESSED!! I can't wait to lay my eyes on your handsome face on Tuesday. I love you!!
Very well written... brought tears to my eyes!