Sixty degrees and sunny? Are we sure this is January? Feels more like April! Old Man Winter must be saving all his snowy days for when you return. That's OK, we'll cuddle up together with some hot chocolate in front of the fire. Hooray for snow days when you're
actually home!

Bennett, for one, is prepared for snow. You never know when you might need a snow shovel while riding your bike!

WILD man. All I can say is that it's a miracle that we haven't been to the ER with this child.

I believe this child may be pedaling a bike before he's two. He LOVED to put his feet up on the foot rests and have me run him around.

Maura wouldn't come outside, even for a minute. She was busy making you a surprise and later loving on Emerson. She just loves this baby! Maybe she needs another sibling??