We had so much fun at Ava's party today that it made me really glad that I'd made the 2+hour drive to get there. I don't foresee us living in a drivable distance much longer, so I want to enjoy cousin birthday parties while we still can! We missed you!
Birthday Girl! She was so excited to be four!
Bennett loved the bowling balls. He loved them so much that I was sure he was going to drop one on his toe. I took one off the rack, thinking that he'd roll it around the floor. Nope. He kicked it. That made me even more afraid he was going to break his toe!
Sweet bowling girls! Maura was WAY into it. She bowled far longer than everyone else and even got two spares...with bumpers...and a ramp!
Apparently Tristan said something funny. Not surprising!
What a bunch!! So glad to get all the grandchildren together with Nan and Poppa!
I thought they lived in Vegas! So fun, the girls are getting so big!