Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 31

We're a fourth of the way through! That makes me so excited! It has certainly been an adjustment and we miss you like crazy, but we're doing OK. We miss you every single day and it always feels like a vital piece is missing, but our days are still full of laughter and fun. We are loving life every single day and counting the ones that will bring you home to us!
We took advantage of this day's beautiful sunshine to get out and enjoy ourselves. I keep thinking that each beautiful day will be the last one of the year, but God has blessed us with some gorgeous weather this autumn. Bennett LOVES sliding now. He won't let me put him in the swing anymore. It's all sliding, all the time...even headfirst! Can you tell he's been into the candy bucket??

Tristan had his usual sidekick out in the yard with him. RunStop took a little gallop along the top bole of the swing set. :)
Maura was, of course, pretending to be a dragon. I'm not sure what the significance of the net full of sand was! I have to brag on the kids. I gave them a five minute warning, went in to finish dinner and then called them in. When I went out to call them again, they'd covered the sandbox and both trotted in without complaint. Makes life so much easier!!

We made cookies for you tonight...even Bennett. He LOVED dumping in all the sugar and flour. I have the feeling that he's going to want to "help" again soon! We had such a fun family night with outdoor play, pizza, crazy baths, cookie baking, WildKratt watching and fall storybooks before bed. I wish every evening was this easy and fun!

1 comment:

  1. Did you guys get a playground? I know you're going to hate this comment because I know it's not true for you, but I can't believe you're a quarter of the way there... it feels like it's going fast! (So says me who doesn't have to be a single parent for the next 3 months).
