Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 60

Ah, Playdoh. I truly have a love, hate relationship with it! I love it because it's good for at least a half hour of uninterrupted play. I hate it because it gets everywhere!! The kids love it, though, and we had a great time playing "cookies" where they cut up cookies and then we "baked" them in the oven. Yummy!

Bennett thought that the Playdoh was super yummy!

I put Bennett in the Pack and Play while I showered and came out to find this...Bennett draped in my underwear. He had three pairs around his neck!! Please note that those are maternity underwear--my normal ones aren't that huge!!!
PS--Day 60!!! Halfway there!! I want to throw a party!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious! I have a hate-hate relationship with Play-doh! ;o)
