Halloween started out...not so good, but it ended on a high note. I think that the kids were tired out from their big weekend and I was just a little down about not having Brent there to share Halloween with us. Consequently, all the little stressors turned into one big stress ball and it left us a bit frazzled. Here's one on the reasons...

Children were allowed to wear costumes to school today, but only Everyday Heroes. Which meant that I was scrambling to put together another costume this morning. I know, I should have done it this weekend. Just didn't happen!!

Halloween night, though, was something special. The kids were so cute that I wanted to eat them up!

Lighting McQueen

Our Bald Eagle

CRAZY EYES! He was desperately searching for someone to give candy to. He loved handing out the sweet treats!

Trick or Treating with Uncle Micah! Tristan loved being out with Uncle Micah. He held his hand for most of the time we were out trick or treating. I'm so glad that Tristan has men in his life that will fill in the gaps a bit when Daddy is away!
Skyping with Daddy rounded out our evening and made it perfect!
Love the bald eagle! Where did you get that costume?? I've never seen it before anywhere. Happy Halloween!