Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 91

Happy New Years Eve! Here's to a beautiful New Year with lots of togetherness! Can't wait! Bennett was the cutest little New Years baby. If I uploaded a few of the other photos I took, you'd see that his lips were forming the word "lollipop."
I asked Maura and Tristan to come up with some resolutions last night. They were pretty funny!I had to subject Emerson to the same torture. She might just be a cuter New Years Baby. So sweet! Happy New Year everyone! Here's to a blessed New Year.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 89

I had all but forgotten the gift that Maura bought at her schools "Elf Shelf" to give to her family members...but she hadn't! She reminded me tonight before bed and Tristan got to open up his last gift of Christmas, a Lightning McQueen and Mater throw. LOVE.
Instant LOVE! He has it spread of on the floor of his bedroom right now so he can look at the big picture. Guess he'll be adding this to the blankie collection!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 88

Cabin Fever+three kids=Insanity. Thus, we headed out to Bounce U this morning with Rachel, Avery and Audrey. The kids had a ball, bouncing to their little heart's content. It made for some tired kids and great naps today. Here are some pics of our fun day.
This is the "spider web" that it took him 20 minutes to get up. At least he was still smiling.

I caught the fight in photographs. Proof postitive that it's not just Tristan that instigates things.
After time out, I had a very sulky girl who preferred to perch like a kitty on a high place and refused to come down! It was time to go...get McDonalds!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 87

Potty training time?? I think "NO!" He does LOVE sitting on the potty, though! He especially loves getting toilet paper and poking it through into the bowl. He finished an entire roll tonight before I noticed!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 86

We had a lazy day, spent indoors amid all the Christmas chaos, punctuated only by a quick play date with Angie and Sarah, and the delivery of dinner to a friend. The kids begged for a family movie night to watch their new version of Tangled, which they viewed from the confines of Bennett's ball house. Poor baby, he rarely gets to use the thing--it's always occupied by someone larger.
Christmas Chaos. This photo doesn't even begin to do it justice. It's so bad. It's ridiculous--I'm trying to weed out and purge while I put all the new stuff away. It may not get done until you return!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day 85

Christmas morning! There was some serious excitement in the air. One of my friends put it well when she said, "I know what God felt like...I can't wait for them to see how much I love them!" I couldn't wait for our children to awake and see the special gifts we chose for them together. I had to wake us Tristan and Bennett because we had a very important date...with you!

It was such a precious gift to be able to spend this morning with you via Skype. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see anyone in my life. To be able to share this most special of days with you and our children made my day absolutely complete. To see our children hold up their gifts to share with you brought tears to my eyes. I needed nothing else this Christmas.

Bennett LOVED his ball house...

Tristan loved his Lightning McQueen CD player...

and Maura was thrilled with her Pegasus.

I was so blessed be able to receive gifts even from YOU! I love my Kindle!

Present opening lasted all day. First Santa gifts, then stockings, and grandparent gifts.

Their arms were full of blessings!

Even Lorie and Micah joined us for awhile for Emerson's first Christmas.

I love my precious ones...especially you. Merry Christmas my love. You are one of my greatest blessings.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 84

Merry Christmas! We love you! Christmas just isn't the same without you. We have been celebrating, but every celebration feels a bit hollow because something is missing. We anxiously await your return and pray that we never have to spend another Christmas apart

We had a birthday celebration and cake for Jesus. Our three munchkins were so excited that I'm surprised that any of them went to sleep tonight.


Bennett was bound and determined to get that plate with cookies and carrots! It was a lot of fun. We're wising all those we know the merriest Christmas of all!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 83

CHRISTMAS!! It's a four day affair this year!! Last night was Christmas with Nan and Poppa, and tonight was Christmas with Grammy and Pappap. Tomorrow, we have a Happy Birthday Jesus party planned, then the big man himself is scheduled for a late night visit. They'll be Christmased out by Sunday...not likely!!
Bennett recieved a giggle wiggle ball from Lorie and Micah. It makes noise whenever you move it. He LOVED it. It's also quite hard, so that creates a problem when he throws it in the air. Hmm. May have to think about where we can use this particular toy!
It was complete and utter madness with the kids. They were all hyped up on sugar and up an hour past bedtime, so we eventually just put everyone in jammies, threw them in bed and proceded to open our grown up presents in peace!
Cousins are so much fun!! We had a wonderful family Christmas--but we were missing one very important family!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 82

We've had a fun, low key day in Tennessee. It rained all day, so we laid low, played around the house, watched movies and took naps. Pretty much a perfect day for a visit.
Grandmother came over this morning to spend time with the kids. She brought them all a stuffed animal and enjoyed sitting back and watching all the action. There was action aplenty as we had brunch together. Tristan was WAY at the other end of the table, under the guidance of Matt and he proceeded to load up a biscuit with gross amounts of jelly, help himself to blueberries, blow out the candles on the table, allow Patton to lick his hands, etc. Never a dull moment. He's been a piece of work on this trip. Tonight, he grabbed a glass off the counters and slugged a big gulp of wine before I could stop him. Needless to say, I don't think he'll be trying that again anytime soon!
Speaking of being a menace, you should have seen him on the ATV. He was completely fearless. I thought he was going to run someone over or turn the ATV over before it was all said and done!
At last, it was the long awaited present opening time. The kids have been waiting ALL DAY to open gifts! We made them take photos beforehand and they were pretty good sports, but they were thrilled to be done and get at those gifts!

Day 81

There were lots of laughs, much hilarity, great food and fun at Grandmother's dinner last night. We loved Skyping with you and I think it was the highlight of the dinner. That, and your Grandmother's rendition of "Poor Old Santa." We ALMOST got it on video to post on YouTube, but Dan had some technology issues. It was a lot of fun but we missed you so much.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 80

Just add a little bubble bath and bath time goes from ridiculous! No wonder we have a water stain in the kitchen ceiling !!
Brad and Emily stopped by for a few moments this evening and the kids were happy to see them. NONE of them would allow either Brad or Emily to help dress them after baths. They feigned shyness and modesty and insisted on mommy. Sigh. I guess I'm glad I'm wanted!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 79

Wild Thang'! As I was busy with Tristan, Bennett wondered off and was a little too eerily quiet. I walked around the corner to discover a whole bowl full of TP. He was pretty sure he was in trouble. He saw me and ran!
This wild man actually scaled the horsey and got on by himself this evening and proceeded to ride that pony into the ground! I thought he was going to tip it over! Tristan helped, of course!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


I'm having a hard time posting commentary tonight because my parent's computer is only giving me the photos in HTML format. Hard to comment on photos you can't actually see! We had a fun day today, going to church in our Christmas outfits, celebrating Bennett's half birthday(making the half cake was just beyond me this year! He loved the giant snowman cupcake!) He grinned from ear to ear when we sang to him and he loved his book so much that he wanted to take it with him in the car. The Christmas program was so stinkin cute and the kids did a great job. Love our church and our children's ministry so much!