Christmas morning! There was some serious excitement in the air. One of my friends put it well when she said, "I know what God felt like...I can't wait for them to see how much I love them!" I couldn't wait for our children to awake and see the special gifts we chose for them together. I had to wake us Tristan and Bennett because we had a very important date...with you!

It was such a precious gift to be able to spend this morning with you via
Skype. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see anyone in my life. To be able to share this most special of days with you and our children made my day absolutely complete. To see our children hold up their gifts to share with you brought tears to my eyes. I needed nothing else this Christmas.

Bennett LOVED his ball house...

Tristan loved his Lightning McQueen CD player...

and Maura was thrilled with her Pegasus.

I was so blessed be able to
receive gifts even from YOU! I love my Kindle!

Present opening lasted all day. First Santa gifts, then stockings, and grandparent gifts.

Their arms were full of blessings!

Even Lorie and Micah joined us for awhile for Emerson's first Christmas.

I love my precious ones...especially you. Merry Christmas my love. You are one of my greatest blessings.
The Skyping pics made me cry!