Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 63

What a fun day!! I bought a Groupon last week that was good for a carriage ride, photo and hot chocolate in Covington. I wanted to use it early while we still had a chance at a nice day. And it was so very nice today. We left early to get to Covington so we could visit with Aunt Katie before she had to work. Love that Aunt Katie!!
Once again, Tristan refused to get anywhere within a six foot radius of the big man. He wouldn't even stand next to the Christmas Tree in this photo because it was closer to Santa!
The Carriage ride was really fun!
So lucky to be with my boys!!
Our faithful steed, Molly.From the carriage ride to the trains we went. They had a beautifully train display that the kids really enjoyed and the decorations were really beautiful!
I had to share this with you. They had some huge train tables that the kids can play with. Bennett immediately picked up a vehicle and went to town! He was defending his turf against any and all kids. He was so intense about it!
What a fun day--but wasn't' over yet! We packed up and headed down to the Christmas parade! We happened to ask a guy if we could block the entrance to his driveway and he said he didn't' mind if we parked there. So nice. We viewed the parade in the company of a police officer--who gave us all his candy and treats. Chick-fil-A came next, then baths and books and BED!! I'm really ready for it too!!

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