Today, the kids got to meet Emerson for the first time. We took a quick(VERY quick) trip to the hospital so that they could meet their baby cousin. They were enchanted--much more interested in her than they were of their own baby brother just 18 short months ago!
Maura was so excited to meet Emerson and get to hold her for the first time. She loves this baby and has already asked when she gets to see her again and begged me to take her to Micah and Lorie's house tomorrow so she can hold her. She even drew a picture of Emerson in the car on the way home.
Checking out the umbilical cord. Always the scientist!
Tristan was much more interested in the baby than I expected. He told me this morning that he was going to hold the baby just like he held Jack's baby(Hannah Kate) a few weeks ago. He said, "I'm gonna bounce the baby if she cries." It sounds more violent than it was. He gently rocked the baby up and down and really seemed to enjoy holding her. So sweet!