Today held...yet another trip to the apple orchard. You know me, I can't resist a good pumpkin patch in the autumn. It was cloudy, gray, damp and unpromising, but we had such a great time. I felt a little bad about going while Maura was at school and swearing Tristan to secrecy, but I wanted to avoid a scene! The boys had a great time...even this one, who almost made us leave after being there about 10 minutes because he was having a hard time with obedience. Look at that angelic face!

It wouldn't be a good apple orchard experience without including Alex and Lorie!! Alex was determined that she was going to ride in that stroller too. When she got in, Bennett tried to exit immediately, but I eventually convinced him that this was a good idea.

Silly kids! They're all a bunch of stinkers--especially this one. I caught him three separate times today writing on my floor. This is the first time he's ever done it before. Guess I'm going to have to be much more careful about markers and crayons on the floor. He knew he was doing something wrong too, and just grinned at me. Hard to resist this goofy face!

I finally stuck him in his highchair with a crayon and some paper and he went to town. Looks like we have a budding artist on our hands. He also got his eighth tooth today!
PS--Thea is getting chubby again. Looks like the medicine is working. I wonder if it was worms? She
dewormed her at the appointment.
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