Southside's Fall festival=AWESOME! We had so much fun this year! The only thing missing was YOU! They had a train with about five cars that the kids just LOVED. Bennett asked to ride it a second time. He just watched and watched the world go by. Meanwhile, Tristan wrecked Lightning McQueen.

He looked really cute, but wouldn't leave the hat on. Maura looked really cute too...for a cheerleader. Also kind of spangly. MUST pick up the eagle costume this week! She really did love being cheerleader at this festival...let's hope it
doesn't stick. She kept trying to remember and do Titan's cheers!

Cutest monkey I've ever seen! He was so precious and he never even tried to take off the monkey hat...kept walking out of the feet, though!
We had such a fun day...but we missed you so much!
LOVE their costumes!!!