What can I say? We're pumpkin patch fools!! We had a wonderful time today at Boyd Orchard. The kids were thrilled to be there...except Bennett who was ready for a nap. Guess who likes the
Taggie blanket that I made before Maura was born. At least someone likes it. I may have to make another on in a more manly color!

I asked the kids to sit down and take a photo "for daddy." This was the best they could do. Bennett managed to find the only rotten pumpkin in the place and fall into it. He smelled like rotten pumpkin for the rest of the afternoon. Consequently, so did I.

My little daredevil. This kid is going to be the death of me. He discovered the joy of sliding headfirst at the playground today. He even took on the big side, but was a little more cautious, stopping himself with his feet on the way down!
Let the pumpkin patch posts begin! I know this can't be the only one!!