Not our best day today. It started out so promising--I was showered, made up(is that a word) and had my hair dried by 7:30. All I had to do was get the kids dressed, fed and out the door by 8:30. Easy
peasy. Until Tristan slammed Bennett's finger in the bathroom door. Suddenly I had an emergency and a screaming child, and three kids in pajamas.
Hmm. ER? Urgent
Treatment? Treat it on my own? I opted for taking everyone to church,
albeit late, and having Rob look at it.

Oh, poor, poor baby. that's his nail protruding from either side of the nail bed. Rob took a look at it and offered to do kitchen counter surgery. He was awesome. We owe him big time. Bennett did wonderful throughout the procedure as Rob did a digital block, removed the nail, used
Dermabond on the
nail bed and replaced the nail. Pretty soon he was all patched up and ready to roll.

Sweet little brave boy. He's been such a trooper through this whole thing and he's not even trying to get the dressing off. I'm praying that God heals him soon. It may be a sleepless night--he's had two awakenings already since bedtime an hour ago...
Poor guy!!!! I'm sure Daddy's sending kisses across the sea!